Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr.
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Henderson Lewis Jr.

Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr., is an African American educator who is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership within the School of Education, College of Human Sciences and Education at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, the founding President, and Chief Executive Officer for Vision Forward Consulting Group, LLC and served as the 22nd Superintendent of Schools for the public school district in New Orleans, Louisiana, known as NOLA Public Schools.
Dr. Lewis’s career began in his hometown of St. Bernard Parish where he taught for seven years as a high school math teacher at Andrew Jackson Fundamental Magnet High School and later was promoted to the district level as a curriculum coordinator. After Hurricane Katrina, he returned back home to reopen St. Bernard Parish Public Schools and served as a high school math teacher once again. In 2006, Dr. Lewis successfully ran for the position of school board member and was elected for three consecutive terms to represent District 9 on the St. Bernard Parish Public School Board. During his tenure for 11 years, Dr. Lewis was the only African American member of the school board and he served as the education committee chair, which led the transformative effort of rebuilding the school system in St. Bernard Parish after Hurricane Katrina.
Dr. Lewis’s professional career began in New Orleans in the Fall of 2006, where he worked for the Algiers Charter Schools Association for six years. He served as an assistant principal, the founding principal, and the Director of Academics and Instructional Technology for the network. In 2012, Dr. Lewis received his first superintendency and become the Superintendent of East Feliciana Public Schools. Under his leadership, he restored confidence in the school district by putting students first and after his first year of service, the district was recognized by the Louisiana Department of Education as 2nd in the state for elementary student academic growth.
On March 18, 2015, Dr. Lewis became one of the youngest superintendents ever in the 180-year history of New Orleans public schools. With nearly 20 years of educational experience as a teacher, mentor, assistant principal, instructional coach, curriculum expert, principal, and school district leader, Superintendent Lewis brought a unique, classroom-focused perspective to the table.
During his tenure, he brought all his experiences to bear building partnerships, using data to drive decisions and leading NOLA Public Schools through unprecedented times including:
Unifying the school district by bringing schools managed by the state Recovery School District to join schools under the oversight of the Orleans Parish School Board
Leading the Nation in Response to COVID-19d data-driven decisions that protected the health and safety of students and educators
Championing the cause for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Dr. Lewis served at the helm of NOLA PS for over seven years and throughout his superintendecny, he did not waver from his mission as a citywide regulator of schools, a protector of family and student rights, a champion for equity, and inclusivity, and a thoughtful steward of public resources. He retired as superintendent July 2022 as the longest serving African-American superintendent in the district’s more than 180-year history.
Dr. Lewis was a member of Chiefs for Change where he serves on the Chief Equity Officers Committee, the American Association of School Superintendents, the Council of Great City Schools, and The Louisiana Association of School Superintendents. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. He is a loving, devoted, and proud father, which motivates him daily to be a change agent for social justice in service to others.